Legal information


My Digital Buildings SAS
2927, avenue d’Uriage
38410 Vaulnaveys le Haut

Director of publication : Emeric Mourot
Hosting : Weblow

Credits and copyright

Photo and video credits: My Digital Buildings SAS
Photos and illustrations sourced from Creative Commons (excluding NC and SA) : - Flickr CC - Libre Stock - Pixabay - New Old Stock - PDI - PDP

This site respects copyright law. All elements of the site, including downloadable documents, are protected by copyright. They are the exclusive property of My Digital Buildings SAS. Accordingly, you may not, under any circumstances or in any way, reproduce, represent, distribute, modify, or grant any part of the site or any part of its content without the prior written and express consent of My Digital Buildings SAS.

Data confidentiality

What is the use of this policy?

We place great importance on the protection and confidentiality of your personal data, which represent a testament to our commitment to professionalism and trustworthiness.

Our Data Privacy Policy reflects our dedication to adhering to applicable data protection regulations, including those of the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR').

Specifically, the privacy policy aims to inform you about how and why we process your data in the context of the services we provide.

Why do we process your data?

In the context of the services we offer, we necessarily process your personal data for the following reasons and legal bases :P.

  • To allow you to browse our website and respond to your requests (e.g., information requests, complaints, etc.) based on our terms and conditions of sale, our terms of use, and our legitimate interest in providing you with the best possible service.
  • To keep you informed about our latest promotional offers and events via email and telephone, based on our legitimate interest in customer loyalty and contacting you.
  • To enable you to interact with our chatbot at any time based on its terms of use and our legitimate interest in providing you with a suitable instant messaging service.
  • To allow you to subscribe and receive our newsletter informing you of all news related to our services, based on your consent.

We commit to processing your data only for the reasons described above and guarantee that none of your data will ever be sold to a partner or third party..

However, when you voluntarily post content on the pages we manage on social media or on our website, you acknowledge that you are fully responsible for any personal information you may disclose, regardless of the nature and origin of the information provided..

What data do we process and for how long ?

We have summarized the categories of personal data that we collect directly from you or through potential client databases, as well as their respective retention periods.

If you wish to obtain further details on the retention periods, you can contact us at the following address:

  • Data used to operate the chatbot (e.g., name, IP address)
  • Data for commercial prospecting, marketing, and newsletter subscription purposes (e.g., email address, etc.) are retained for a maximum period of 3 years from the last contact we had with you.

Upon expiration of the summarized retention periods, we delete all your personal data to ensure your confidentiality for future years.

What rights do you have to control the use of your data?

The applicable data protection regulations grant you specific rights that you can exercise at any time and free of charge to control the use we make of your data:

  • Right of access and copy of your personal data, provided that this request does not contradict business secrecy, confidentiality, or correspondence secrecy.
  • Right to rectify personal data that are inaccurate, outdated, or incompletes.
  • Right to object to the processing of your personal data carried out for commercial prospecting purposes.
  • Right to request the erasure ('right to be forgotten') of your personal data that are not essential to the proper functioning of our services
  • Right to limit the processing of your personal data, allowing you to challenge the legitimacy of a processing operation.
  • Right to data portability, enabling you to retrieve a portion of your personal data to store or easily transfer it from one information system to another.
  • Right to provide directives regarding the fate of your data in the event of death, either through you, a trusted third party, or a legal representative.

For a request to be considered, it is imperative that it be made directly by you to the following address: Any request not made in this manner cannot be processed. Requests must originate exclusively from you.

In specific cases, we may ask you to provide proof of identity if there is any doubt about the identity of the requester.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, within a maximum period of three months from its receipt, in cases where the request is technically complex or if we receive numerous requests at the same time.

Please note that we may always refuse to respond to any excessive or unfounded request, especially in terms of its repetitive nature.

Who can access your data?

We only disclose your data to individuals duly authorized to use them for the implementation of our services. This may include our staff responsible for service implementation, accounting, marketing, or even the security of our premises. For candidates, this also includes the HR department and personnel involved in recruiting new members.

We may also disclose your data to public authorities, external advisors and practitioners, as well as service providers to ensure the proper functioning of our services (e.g., information system security, etc.)

How do we protect your data?

We implement all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the daily security of your data and, in particular, to prevent any risk of destruction, loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure of your data

For example, our team passwords are complex and frequently changed. Additionally, your data has regularly updated backup copies and is encrypted to ensure enhanced daily security.

Can your data be transferred outside of the European Union?

Unless it is strictly necessary and exceptionally, we never transfer your data outside of the European Union, and your data is always hosted within European soil. Furthermore, we strive to only engage service providers that host your data within the European Union

In the event that our service providers are nonetheless required to transfer personal data about you outside of the European Union, we rigorously ensure that they implement appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and protection of your data.

How can you contact the CNIL?

You can contact the French supervisory authority for data protection (the 'Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés' or 'CNIL') at the following address: Complaints Department of the CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, or by phone at +33 1 53 73 22 22

Can the policy be modified?

We may modify our privacy policy at any time to adapt to new legal requirements and to accommodate new processing activities we may implement in the future. You will be notified of any changes to this policy.

Published on 07/06/2023