3D/BIM modeling of your buildings, as-built

Get reliable work supports! We create BIM/3D models from your building's point cloud using the scan-to-BIM process.
Our precise scan-to-BIM process guarantees a faithful digital replica of your buildings.
A modeling managed by a team of experts in building and BIM management, ensuring the production of a deliverable aligned with your intended uses.
A detailed understanding of your uses, to produce a deliverable with the right levels of geometric and informative details.

A modeling process, Scan to BIM

Assurez-vous une représentation précise de vos bâtiments via un processus de modélisation basé sur le nuage de points.

This represents a true 3D footprint of the building (architecture and structural work) and of all the elements that compose it (fluids, technical networks and plumbing/HVAC elements, etc.).
Learn more about scan to BIM
A BIM model aligned with your needs
By understanding your objectives, we tailor deliverables that directly meet your needs

For a well-structured model, we use clear data organization and pre-defined levels of detail for each building component, ensuring you get the information you need.

Seamless quality control

Throughout the modeling process, and prior to final delivery, the point cloud is exploited to carry out controls of geometric conformity of the model.

During these checks, the point cloud is compared to the 3D model to identify the geometric differences between the modeling and the real one.

This method makes it possible to tend towards a precision by plus or minus 1 cm (to plus or minus 2 cm for complex objects) compared to the surveys carried out.
Let's study your project together
Contactez-nous, nous étudierons votre projet pour vous établir un devis dans les meilleurs délais.

Over 300 customers and 3,500,000m² digitized

they use our digitization solutions to carry out their projects.
“Collaborating with MDB allows us to have a standardized mode of operation at the national level, with a single trustworthy interlocutor to improve our buildings and obtain reliable deliverables for our projects.”
Vanessa Boudier
Renovation Project Manager
« La collaboration avec My Digital Buildings nous a apporté pleine satisfaction sur la maîtrise des techniques de relevé, de modélisation et de structuration des informations de la maquette.
Les intervenants ont su s’approprier notre démarche d’expérimentation pour proposer des solutions innovantes tout en restant opérationnels. »
Division Maquette numérique / Ingénierie
Collaboration MDB et Basic Fit
Basic-FIT - Quickly deploy a 3D scanning approach in France
My Digital Buildings supports Basic-Fit in the 3D digitization of its buildings, at a rate of more than 100 surveys per year throughout France.
Hôtels B&B
B&B HOTELS - Initiate renovation projects on the basis of reliable plans
To initiate several renovation projects based on reliable documentation, B&B HOTELS asked us to update the plans of the buildings concerned.
Pluralis - Integrating scan to BIM into your digitization process
An experiment aimed at testing the scan to BIM process, in order to implement it in a more global digitalization process for the company's assets.


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What is BIM modeling?

BIM is the English acronym for Building Information Modeling, and corresponds to a collaborative way of working at the heart of which is placed the digital model of a building and an information structure linked to it.

Selon le projet et les besoins recensés auprès des parties prenantes, il s’agira de défnir les éléments devant être modélisés, et les niveaux de détail associés dans le cahier des charges du projet.

Qu'est-ce que le BIM ?

BIM est l'acronyme de Building Information Modeling.
Il s'agit d'un mode de travail collaboratif centré sur la maquette numérique d'un bâtiment et les informations qui lui sont associées.

Pour mener une démarche BIM, la maquette numérique doit intégrer une base de données organisée des informations de l'ouvrage, et un mode de coordination spécifique doit être défini.

Ce mode de travail couvre l'ensemble du cycle de vie de l'ouvrage : conception, construction, gestion, exploitation, maintenance et démolition. Ainsi, l'ensemble des acteurs du bâtiment (agences d'architecture, bureaux d'études, exploitants, habitants, etc.) peuvent en tirer profit.

What is the level of detail (LOD) of a 3D model?

The level of detail (or LOD - Level Of Detail) corresponds to the geometric precision of a model, defined by the precision of the 3D objects it contains. This level of precision makes it possible to obtain a greater or lesser degree of geometric information.

Ce niveau de précision permet d’obtenir un degré d'information géométrique plus ou moins élevé.Il peut être adapté zone par zone ou par catégorie d'éléments représentés dans le modèle pour s'adapter aux spécificités d’un projet.

Il existe 5 niveaux de LOD différents (LOD 100, 200, 300, 400 et 500).Bien qu'aucune nomenclature stricte n'existe, certains usages classiques se dégagent pour chacun de ces standards en phases de conception, construction et exploitation.

What documents govern a BIM process?

A set of documents govern a BIM process by covering the life cycle of the structure. Among them, we can cite the Specifications document, the Charter and the BIM Convention.Their role is to guarantee compliance with the BIM objectives set by the project owner and to organizecoordination between the various actors who work around the 3D model.

To find out more about this, we invite you to read our article on BIM documents.

What formats can I get?

Since digital models are created in specific software, they have a so-called “native” format corresponding to each software (Revit, Autocad, Allplan, etc.).

In our BIM modeling process, the export can be done in interoperable format (IFC) or in the native format of the Revit software, which is the one we use to model.

For the production of 2D plans, we use Autocad and offer plans in .DWG format.

What is a point cloud?

The building point cloud is used as a 3D layer of reality during the modeling and quality control phases of the 3D model.
It thus makes it possible to rely on a precise and representative footprint to produce “As-Built” modeling (as built). We are talking here about a “scan to BIM” method.
During the quality control phase of the model, the captured point cloud will be used to detect:

  • Missing survey areas;
  • Discrepancies between the point cloud and the model;
  • Errors in interpreting the object being modelled.
  • On site, the preparation and digitization of areas;
  • Post-processing and exploitation of captured data

These various control methods will make it possible to produce a quality deliverable that complies with the modeling specifications.