3 formats de maquettes 3D / BIM : .rvt ; .step ; .ifc

BIM model formats and interoperability challenges

Discover what are the specificities of the different BIM model formats as well as the interoperability challenges that arise from their use.
BIM document diagram

On what documents is a BIM process based?

Charter, requirements documents, and BIM Conventions, discover and compare the different documents used during a BIM process.

Interactive Buildings #4: Sensors for our smartphones that see in 3D

Discover the world of “imaging” sensors with David Maucotel, Business Line Manager at STMicroelectronics, one of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturers.
Visual Podcast Episode 3

Interactive Buildings #3: IoT, a requirement for Smart Buildings

In this episode, discover how IoT structures work and how they are positioned as the starting point for Smart Building.
Visual Podcast Episode 2

Interactive Buildings #2: Indoor geolocation, for what uses?

Geofencing, asset tracking, indoor guidance: a multitude of uses around location are emerging, in the hospital environment and elsewhere.
Visual Podcast Episode 1

Interactive Buildings #1: What is the future for the virtual tour?

Real estate, construction, industry, the uses around the virtual tour are now taking place in a multitude of sectors.
2D maps and accessibility pictograms

Accessibility, how to use the BIM model?

There is an important challenge in making buildings accessible in general. A BIM approach can be useful and effective in dealing with this subject using new tools.
Digitalization of facility management

Digitalization of Facility Management, where do we stand?

Employee well-being, reduction of expenses related to the operation of buildings, better building management, how does the digitalization of Facility Management become a vector of value and attractiveness?
BIM World banner

BIM World 2019 trends

The BIM World exhibition, which took place on 2 and 3 April 2019, has joined the big leagues, as its move to the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre proves it. In this article, discover our overview of the trends emerging from it.
Global Industry Banner

The High-Tech Trends of the Global Industries 2019 Show

The 2019 Global Industrie exhibition in Lyon was a real witness to the digital transformation of the industry!
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