
Increase reliability and speed up the production of 2D plans based on a point cloud

Learn how exploiting a point cloud can produce 2D plans efficiently and reduce the risk of errors.
Multi-technology 3D scan

Why opt for a multi-technology 3D scanning protocol?

Discover how a survey protocol allows you to benefit from “tailor-made” capture by taking advantage of the advantages of each of the selected solutions.
Modélisation 3D de réseaux CVC

BIM modeling: Focus on the levels of detail (LOD) of networks and terminals

Découvrez ce qui différencie les niveaux de détail (LOD) de modélisation des réseaux et terminaux, et quels sont les usages courants qui leur sont associés.
3D scan operators in a logistics environment

4 steps to build a complete 3D scan consultation

Discover how to develop a 3D scan consultation to ensure its success, in just 4 steps.
Mobile scanner interface view

The 5 key steps for a successful 3D scan of a building

Discover the key stages of a and the associated decision-making to successfully complete a 3D scanning project.

3D scanning, definition and uses in buildings

How does a 3D scanner work and what are the main uses in the building sector?
Building point cloud

Generate and use the 3D point cloud of a building

Learn how to generate and use a building's 3D point cloud for design projects or studies.
Blogpost: 3D scanning solutions

What 3D survey solution (s) should you choose for your project?

3D building survey solutions are more and more numerous and specific. Here is a state of the art of the main options available on the market.
point cloud and digital model

The Scan to BIM: from the point cloud to the BIM Model

Discover what are the different stages of a Scan to BIM project: from the 3D survey to the BIM digital model of a building.
Niveau de détail LOD BIM

Define the level of detail (LOD) of your BIM model

Defining a LOD (level of detail) makes it possible to optimize the costs and deadlines associated with modeling, while guaranteeing a digital model consistent with its needs.
Nuage de points hélicoptère

Simulation of the layout of a helicopter hangar

An example from capture to layout simulation using modern tools for rapid acquisition without compromising quality. This pilot project has various advantages of using the prior digitization of a building to work from its digital twin.